Rhea came to me with a very specific set of requests. The first photo below is the original she sent me and then I produced the final restored image that met the requirements. If you have anything specific that you would like to change or have restored in a photo then please contact me as Rhea did and list your requirements. I will always try my utmost to meet the brief where possible.
R. Could you please provide me a quote to do the following with the attachment:
1. Remove male subject from photo
2. Brighten/lighten the female subject
3. Crop female subject so that the bottom of the photo is just below the V-neck line of her shirt
4. Change background (not sure what but value your suggestions – I visualize a light background?)
5. Semi-gloss finish
6. I don’t require a printed image, just a high quality jpeg file (approx. 1mb)
PixelFIX - Photo restoration and photos repaired, from $15. The restoration and manipulation specialists. Click here for 'fancy view'
R. Could you please provide me a quote to do the following with the attachment:
1. Remove male subject from photo
2. Brighten/lighten the female subject
3. Crop female subject so that the bottom of the photo is just below the V-neck line of her shirt
4. Change background (not sure what but value your suggestions – I visualize a light background?)
5. Semi-gloss finish
6. I don’t require a printed image, just a high quality jpeg file (approx. 1mb)
PixelFIX - Photo restoration and photos repaired, from $15. The restoration and manipulation specialists. Click here for 'fancy view'
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